How to Determine the Population You Serve
When deciding what populations to serve you will want to take inventory of your passions, experience, talents and skill sets.
When deciding what populations to serve you will want to take inventory of your passions, experience, talents and skill sets.
What to do with horses that are highly trained and may make it too easy for participants.
What to do when you can’t share God’s Word in sessions with participants.
Using target training with a mini mule to encourage forward movement and gain focus.
Practical application of Target Training in biblically-based equine assisted programing.
Practical application of the Start Button in biblically-based equine assisted programing.
It is inevitable that you will encounter difficult personalities from time to time while providing equine assisted programming. Learn best practices for handling challenging situations and people.
Understanding how many facilitators are needed for an equine assisted session.
Understanding the difference between directive and “indirective” equine assisted programs.